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What is the difference between Git Rebase vs Merge?


Well, it’s obvious that Git is one of the most well-liked version controls in the industry, it is the most demanding choice for all tech people out there. But if you are just starting out or maybe using Git for just a few months or so, you may have been confused with Git Rebase vs Merge, well who wouldn’t, it can be confusing sometimes. That’s what we will discuss today, how Git Rebase is different from Git Merge, which one to use when, and what is their purpose.

Till the end of this article, you will be able to understand Git Rebase vs Merge and get a clear picture of which one can be your companion in case you need them. So let’s start our discussion without any delay.

Introduction to Git

You might know, that Git is an open-source distributed version-control system that is used by millions of programmers worldwide for tracking, maintaining, and settling their code repositories. No doubt, it is super important to use a version control system while working individually or in a team because anything can happen to your code, it can break at any time. So, for you to not face any bizarre situations while developing it is better to use Git to host your code files.

Git has a huge list of commands that can be used to perform important steps such as git commit, and git push but they have a specific function to perform unlike git rebase and git merge. Well, the ideology behind git rebase and git merge is the same but what they do is not the same, there’s this thin line of difference that most users stumble upon once in their lifetime.

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Here’s how the initial state of branches looks like before using git rebase or git merge:

Git Rebase vs Merge

What is Git Rebase?

The Git rebase command allows the users to integrate changes from one branch to the other branch. It lets developers modify the commit history of the changes. Git rebase essentially moves or combines a sequence of commits to a new base commit. When multiple contributors are present, git rebase can be beneficial as it focuses on maintaining a polished commit history.

To start a Git Rebase process, you use this command:

git rebase <base>

Where, <base> is the destination branch where you want to move your changes.

Here’s how the branch structure changes when you do git rebase.

Git Rebase vs Merge

Benefits of Git Rebase

  1. Clean Commit History: One of the most standout benefits of git rebase is its ability to maintain a clean and linear project history. This helps in avoiding unnecessary merge commits, which leads to a more streamlined and readable history.
  2. Easier Branch Integration: The process of rebasing a feature branch into the main branch is smooth, which is especially beneficial for projects with fast-paced development cycles.

Drawbacks of Git Rebase

  1. History Alteration: The feature that makes git rebase attractive is also the one that can be sickening if not used in compliance. The alteration in commit history in some cases may create confusion in a collaborative environment.
  2. Complex Learning Curve: Git rebase is a little bit more complex than basic merging owing to a steeper learning curve. Hence, to use it effectively without facing unintended results the developers need to be familiar with the complexities of rebasing.

What is Git Merge?

The Git Merge command merges the changes from various branches into one branch which initiates a new “merge commit”, here the histories of both branches remain intact. Git Merge does not alter the existing branches’ commit history as it is a non-destructive operation. On using git merge command, git creates a new commit that has modifications from both the branches.

In order to merge a branch, git uses the following command:

git merge <branch-to-merge>

This command will merge the specified branch i.e. <branch-to-merge> into the current branch.

On using the git merge command, the branch structures look like as shown in the figure below, where the history of the feature branch remains exactly the same as stated above:

Git rebase vs merge

Benefits of Git Merge

  1. Preservation of Branch History: We talked about how git merge is a non-destructive operation, which is one of the biggest advantages of git merge as it helps preserve the branch history after merging both branches. All the previous commits of the secondary branch remain exactly as they were and git merge creates a new commit.
  2. Straightforward Integration: The process of merging two branches is really straightforward and it isn’t much of a complex thing to perform which makes it easily accessible to all developers regardless of their skill level. It is easy to understand and implement.

Drawbacks of Git Merge

  1. Cluttered History: As the history remains intact, there can be instances where this can make comprehension difficult for the developers. As the history of branches is preserved the commit tree becomes noisy and hence difficult to navigate sometimes.
  2. Complex in Long-Running Projects: The commit history of projects that run for a longer period of time with numerous contributors can become convoluted and intricate.

Difference between Git Rebase vs Merge

There are multiple differences between Git Rebase vs Merge, we’ve listed down in what aspects they show dissimilarities:

FeatureGit RebaseGit Merge
Basic Functionality Rewrites commit history by moving branchesIntegrates changes from one branch into another.
Commit HistoryCreates a linear commit historyPreserves the commit history which leads to more complex branching.
Commit IDs Alters the commit IDsRetains original commit IDs
Merge commitsNo additional merge commitsCreates a new merge commit
Workflow preferencePreferred for features branchesThe standard approach for integrating changes in most workflows
Difference between Git Rebase vs Merge

When to choose Git Rebase and Git Merge

I know it might be confusing sometimes to use Git Rebase or Git Merge, but here are the common things that will clear up the smoke and help you make informed decisions:

Use Git Merge when:

  1. Preserving Branch History is Essential: If your requirement is to maintain a detailed and chronological history of branches, especially in open-source projects and in cases where maintaining history is crucial, you should use git merge.
  2. Collaborative Development: As git merge simplifies the process of integrating the changes of various individuals, it is recommended for times when multiple developers are concurrently working on different features or bug fixes. It is a more straightforward approach to collaboration.

Use Git Rebase when:

  1. Maintaining a Clean Commit History: If you have to maintain a linear commit history that is tidy and avoids unnecessary clutter of commits and complex structure, then git rebase should be your preference.
  2. Working on feature branches: When you’re working on a feature branch using git rebase against the latest changes in the main branch can help keep your feature branch up to date and ensure a smoother integration when you’re ready to merge.
  3. Avoiding Merge Commits: Some developers like to have a linear commit history without the noise introduced by adding merge commits. In that case, using git rebase can be a good choice as it avoids the creation of additional merge commits.


Git Rebase and Git Merge are two ways of combining changes from one branch to another. Both have their own pros and cons as we discussed. On one hand, git rebase alters the entire history of commit and introduces linear structure. On the other hand, git merge combines changes from one branch to another while maintaining the commit history and preserving the branch structure.

The differences between git rebase vs merge are very fine, hence it depends on the needs and requirements of projects or teams to choose the preferences. Some projects may benefit from the cleanliness of a linear history, while others may prioritize the preservation of a detailed branch history.

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What is the fundamental difference between Git Rebase and Merge?

The primary difference between Git Rebase vs Merge is their approach to integrating changes from different branches. Git Rebase moves the sequence of historical commits to a new base commit, rewriting the history whereas Git Merge combines changes from one branch to another, creating a new merge commit that encompasses the history of both branches.

When should I use Git merge?

Git merge is the go-to choice in scenarios where preserving the original commit history is important. For example, if you’re working on a feature branch with multiple collaborators, merging is often preferred to maintain a transparent history that reflects the contributions of each team member.

When should I use Git Rebase?

Git Rebase is preferred when clean and linear commit history is a priority of the project or team. When you rebase, you essentially transplant your changes onto the tip of the target branch which results in a linear sequence of commits and hence makes the history more readable.

Which is more suitable for long-running branches: Git rebase or merge?

Long-running branches, such as those used for release cycles or major features, benefit from git merge. This approach preserves the historical context of the development process and provides a clear timeline of when specific changes were integrated. It challenging to understand the chronological order of changes if you use git rebase

Does Git rebase impact the commit hash?

Yes, as Git rebase alters the entire commit history. Thus, the commit hash also gets impacted.

Can Git rebase be used to squash commits?

Yes, one of the powerful features of Git rebase is its ability to squash commits. It allows you to combine multiple commits into a single and more meaningful commit.

<p>The post What is the difference between Git Rebase vs Merge? first appeared on .</p>

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